Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 16

Day 16 .... 24 to go
Weight: 231.4
Lost: 14.8

Life is so amazing right now. I am amazed with my weightloss progress. I'm happy with who I am, happy with what I look like and amazed that a wonderful man found me. I'm in awe of how life has come together lately. Six months ago if you would have asked me if I could see myself at the lowest weight I can remember, happy with myself and in a great relationship, I probably would have laughed at you. But now I can't imagine my life any differently.
It is mind blowing how much life can change in 6 months. Not only mind and outlooks but physically as well. I saw a friend today that I have not seen in almost a month. She was blown away at my physical change with my weight loss. I don't see it really I guess but in seeing her reaction I know something is changing.
I am not as strict this cycle but I know the scale is still going down every time I step on it. But the thing is.... I'm not worried about the numbers on the scale. Even though it is very nice to see those numbers continue to drop, I am more worried about how I see myself and how I feel. I am still dealing with issues with my knee but other than that I feel better than I have in a very long time. I have energy, I want to get out and do things. I actually went clothes shopping the other day. I have not gone clothes shopping in a long time. My body has changed and my clothes aren't fitting anymore.... The best thing is is that I am having to go buy smaller clothes and not bigger.
40 days.... That seems like a long time when just talking about it. What can you accomplish in 40 days? If you are asking me.... I can change my life for the better. Mind, Body and Soul.

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