Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 16

Day 16 .... 24 to go
Weight: 231.4
Lost: 14.8

Life is so amazing right now. I am amazed with my weightloss progress. I'm happy with who I am, happy with what I look like and amazed that a wonderful man found me. I'm in awe of how life has come together lately. Six months ago if you would have asked me if I could see myself at the lowest weight I can remember, happy with myself and in a great relationship, I probably would have laughed at you. But now I can't imagine my life any differently.
It is mind blowing how much life can change in 6 months. Not only mind and outlooks but physically as well. I saw a friend today that I have not seen in almost a month. She was blown away at my physical change with my weight loss. I don't see it really I guess but in seeing her reaction I know something is changing.
I am not as strict this cycle but I know the scale is still going down every time I step on it. But the thing is.... I'm not worried about the numbers on the scale. Even though it is very nice to see those numbers continue to drop, I am more worried about how I see myself and how I feel. I am still dealing with issues with my knee but other than that I feel better than I have in a very long time. I have energy, I want to get out and do things. I actually went clothes shopping the other day. I have not gone clothes shopping in a long time. My body has changed and my clothes aren't fitting anymore.... The best thing is is that I am having to go buy smaller clothes and not bigger.
40 days.... That seems like a long time when just talking about it. What can you accomplish in 40 days? If you are asking me.... I can change my life for the better. Mind, Body and Soul.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Words Cannot Express!

Day 8... 32 to go.
Weight: 235.0
Total Lbs lost: 11.2

Today I hit a milestone in my journey. I am offically under 236. That may not mean anything to you, but to me it is HUGE! I don't remember I time where I would step on the scale and see anything less than 236. Today I have finally realized that I AM changing my life. Not only getting healthier, but learning lessons on life a long the way. All the days leading up to this, I knew where I wanted to be but it was always looked at as something in the distant future. Today it hit me that this is my here and now. This is who I am today but tomorrow I will be someone a little different, a little better. I'm not just talking about weight. I'm talking about life as well. Inspite of all the bad decisions I have made in my past, I love where I am in my life and who I have become.

"Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood."

                                Ralph Waldo Emerson

"So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains and we never even know we have the key."
                                                                                                  I have found my key.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Loving All Life Has To Give

Life.... Has a crazy way of keeping me guessing on what's coming next. Life has been keeping me on my toes lately. This last month has had it's ups and downs. Even though the downs have been emotionally and financially draining, the ups have taken me to cloud nine.

I am looking forward to what the months to come have in store.

Today I started Phase 2 of my weight loss protocol. 39 days to go. Last round I was able to lose 30lbs. in 40 days. This time around I'm hoping to hit 35lbs or more in the same amount of time. I am hoping to write everyday as to have a journal of my own, but I will be posting it on here so that you can share this time with me. I'm not sure how many people actually follow this but I will at least not feel like I am alone in this journey. And this will keep me accountable in sticking with protocol. Day One of 'Loading' I weighed in at 246.2. I haven't been able to weigh in since. We will see what tomorrow has in store.

Everyone asked me last time, 'How can you stay so strict for 40 days?'. My response? It's only 40 days out of a lifetime. It's 40 days to become a healthier me. It's 40 days closer to me being happier with what I look like. I am happy with who I am and where I am in life, I want my outside to reflect the person inside. I want to be able to look in the mirror and see how I feel inside. It's 40 days to be transformed.