Tuesday, July 6, 2010

At the Bottom Again

So, I think I have hit rock bottom again. When I say again, the first time was when I was 296lbs at my heaviest and couldn't take it any more. This time it has come with the realization that if I don't start doing what I need to do I will never make my goal timing or goal weight. I just finished Jillian's book Winning by Losing. Amazing information in that book, I encourage anyone that is over weight to read it. She has worked wonders with so many people. People that are almost two time heavier than what I was at my heaviest are 170lbs lighter 5 months from the date that they start training with her. I know that this is on the Biggest loser and they work out 6-8 hours a day and those numbers aren't quite real for me. But here it is the 5th of July and I have not logged a single food for 2 weeks. I haven't been keeping track of what I have been putting into my body. I have pretty much been on bad food vacation mode. Granted I'm staying away from meat and my allergy triggers but I'm finding every loop hole that I have been able to. Ever since the middle of June I have been having trouble getting back into a good sleep, work, workout routine. All of my days just run together and I don't have time for anything. Time to revamp my eating and workout routine. Sleep has been my biggest enemy lately. Not wanting to wake up, sleeping too long and then being groggy the rest of the night due to all of the factors of sleep, food and exercise.
I can't wait to be on swing shift so I can have a more normal sleeping schedule and can have a set schedule of work outs and food. I will weigh in tomorrow and see what the damage is on the scale and I'll let you know how that goes.
I'm off to read some more. Starting Jillian's book Making the Cut.